Dear Hunt of a Lifetime Sponsors',
name is Ted and HOAL sent my two boys to Alaska hunting in August 2002. In January my wife and I were devastated to hear our
doctor tell us our youngest son Aaron had Type one Juvenile Diabetes. But with the help of great doctor's and a lot of prayers
we soon had things under control.
December 2000, the day after Christmas our doctor gave us some of the worst news any parent could ever hear. Our oldest son
TJ had cancer. It was a Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and would require two full years of treatment.
almost two years later, with lots and lots of prayer, the help of many great doctors, TJ is doing very well and is expected
to make a full recovery. Aaron now has an insulin pump which has helped him to control his blood sugar and live a more normal
was told he qualified for a wish and he said he wanted to go to Alaska to hunt for a moose. He was crushed when he was told
that wasn't possible and he would have to make another wish.
after someone told me about Hunt of a Lifetime. I called and left a message. In less than one hour, Tina Pattison called me
back and said she would get to work on a hunt right away, not only for TJ but Aaron too. This not only made TJ very happy
but also gave him something to look forward to and helped get him through some of the bad times I think.
August 10th, my wife Nancy, the boys, & I headed to Koyuk, Alaska along with Larry Csonka and two camera men to hunt not
only for moose, but grizzly bear and wolf with outfitter Bob Hannon. Brad Jones of South Carolina and Mr. Csonka raised the
money to pay for the trip and Mr. Jones paid his own way just to come and watch.
flew into camp on the 13th. It was on a river with great fishing just off of Norton Bay. We stayed in wall tents for 10 days
and hunted up river from there. Each boy had 2 guides who were just great. It was hard to tell who was having more fun, them
or the boys.
A moose
had to be 50 inches or bigger and we never did see one big enough but on Monday the 19th Aaron shot a bear that squared 8
ft. 6 in. and is big enough to make the Boone & Crockett record book.
Thursday the 22nd, TJ still had not shot anything. He had passed on a small sow grizzly a few days earlier. We were flying
out the next day and starting to get nervous about him getting anything when at 8:30 pm we spotted a good bear 3-4 miles away.
was staying light until almost midnight so TJ and one guide went after him alone. That way they could cover more ground and
have less chance of being spotted. At 10:30 they had stalked to within 75 yards and TJ dropped him with one shot from a .338
Win. Mag. His bear squared 9 feet and will also make the record book.
truly was the hunt of a lifetime, and one that we will never forget.
Thank you and God Bless,