All Outdoors Chat
This youth hunter has had quite a productive deer season. Not only has he harvested a deer with a muzzleloader, but also
with rifle and bow. Here are pictures of his deer and story of his Thanksgiving Day muzzleloader hunt.The first picture
goes along with the story.

My Thanksgiving Day Doe
My dad and I went out this
morning we sat about 100 yards from each other. He was in a tree stand and I sat in a blind. My dad took his 12ga. and I took
my muzzleloader. About 8 o'clock and a nice buck came in behind my dad. He took a shot so I turned and looked his way I saw the buck and he shot
again it got about half way a crossed the small cut corn field and I took my shot. My dad shot two times more. We went to
look for it and of course we found blood. We tracked it to the fence and then my dad gave me the 12ga. because we dont have
permission to hunt the land. I waited for about 10 minutes after my dad was on the trail of the deer and he jumped a doe it
came to the fence row not aware of me standing about 20 yards from it but I couldn't shoot because it was on the other side
of the fence. After a couple of minutes it walked down the fence and crossed. Out of adrenaline I aimed for deer and shot
but I shot over her back. The second shot I aimed for the heart and sure enough I dropped it in its tracks. After a while
my dad gave up looking and went home to call a friend, and then we all went to track it. It took about 10 minutes to find
the deer.
