Home | Upcoming artist | Christopher | Alex | Patrick & Louie | Sassy | Trooper | Wilbur | Dudley | Emily | Dakota | Pippin | You can help | Sam | Ruby | Comet | Bonnie & Clyde | Bud | Cash & Chance | Photo Album | Pet Links and Webrings | Contact Me
Orphan Foals

I love my horses!

Hi! My name is Comet. My mom built this site so that other people would know and learn about foals like me. You see I am an orphan. My horse mom was taken from me to care for and raise another baby. I was scared all by myself in the stall and not knowing what would happen. Then I went to Casey Creek Horse Rescue for a little while. They taught me how to drink from a bucket and I got to play with lots of other foals. They put my picture on a website and I stayed with them until my new mom saw me and adopted me and my "brother" Bud. There are many other babies like me out there who don't have the same chance I did!


This web site is dedicated to orphan foals, horse rescues who work with them and the people who adopt them. Don't these adorable babies and many others like them deserve a chance at life? I think they do and it's why I've adopted 2 of them. I have a feeling that these will just be the first of many.


On the links page the first link is to Casey Creek to learn more about orphan foals. The second link is to their online support group. I invite you to go read more about them.


Kentucky Living is a magazine put out by the co op Electric company RECC. In their September, 2005 issue (accessible online) they did an article about Casey Creek. Thank you Kentucky Living for helping to spread the word about the orphans we have all come to love.

Kentucky Living article about Casey Creek

What's New?

Here I'll add an entry whenever I make an update to my web site.
5/14/05 - Started writing site and added some photos.
5/15/05 - Worked on adding some photos, links on links page, contact me page, Bud's page, Cash & Chance's page
5/16/05 - Added Bonnie & Clyde's page
5/19/05 - Comet's page
5/21/05 - Ruby's page
5/26/05 - Sam's page

8/06/05 - Added You can help page
8/07/05 - Added photos to Comet's & Bud's pages, interlinked to other 2 sites on links pages.
8/12/05 - Began Pippin's page. (more to follow so check back)
8/18/05 - Added pictures to Comet & Bud's pages
8/20/05 - Added pictures to Pippin's page
9/3/05 - Added link to rhythm beads site on links page
9/8/05 - Added Emily, Wilbur, Dakota & Dudley's pages.
9/27/05 - Added Trooper's page.
9/29/05 - Began Sassy's page.
10/02/05 - Completed Sassy's page.
10/03/05 - Began Patrick & Louie's page.
10/05/05 - Put link up on homepage to Kentucky Living article.

11/21/05 - Added link to links page featuring a site designed to share recipes.
11/22/05 - Added Christopher & Alex's pages. It's interesting to note that Lori and I did some research and discovered that her foals and Comet & Bud are most likely half brothers. These four foals came from same farms and are of the same breeding. They also bear striking resemblences to each other.
1/17/06 - Added Upcoming artist page. Will update as the other 2 portraits are sent to me. Updated Patrick & Louie's page by adding 3 images sent to me by Linda. Thanks Linda!
2/20/06 - Added Comet's portrait to Upcoming Artist page.


Please be sure to get in touch with any comments or reactions you have to my site.