beginning guide to muzzleloaders
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Patented Breech

A short time ago I was discussing the patented breech system with some people from my yahoo club site. They were unaware of what one was. So on this page I would like to explain what it is and how it works.

A patented breech is not and should not be confused with a hooked breech. You can have a hooked breech without having a patented breech. They are entirely 2 different things. A hooked breech is simply an easy way to remove the barrel out of the stock. On the back of the breech plug there is a "hook" and inside the tang there is the mated part of the "hook" for it to fit into and lock into place.

A patented breech is essentially drilling the touch hole liner or nipple port into the breech plug. To do this one would have to drill a small hole from the bore to the breech plug hole. It allows the powder to funnel down right next to the touch hole/nipple. The diameter is smaller by approximately half, increasing the efficiency of the blackpowder when set off.

Notice in the 2 illustrations I have put up. The side view shows the touch hole/nipple port (would be in same location regardless of ignition type). The powder chamber begins here and extends just beyond the threads of the breech plug where it opens up to bore size. A better view of this is looking at the top view to show how the patented breech turns the corner and meets the nipple/touch hole.

This type of breech plug is very reliable. All of the T/C sidelocks have patented breech system on them. In fact if I go through all of the muzzleloaders we have the only one that doesn't have a patented breech is the longrifle I just built. Pedersoli's have them as well as does Lyman. It has become common practice to do this.

Some people don't like patented breech systems as when they clean them between shots, they claim all the soot or fouling is forced down into the smaller diameter making next shot difficult. Until I began shooting the longrifle I never knew any other type and have not seen this problem occur in any of ours.
